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World Mental Health Awareness Day

Saturday October 10 is World Mental Health Awareness Day.

There has never been a more important time to look out for each other, and for yourselves. 

Whether you need to speak up about something you’re feeling or you just want to start a conversation in your community or school about mental health conditions like depression bringing these issues out into the open helps everyone. 

Life is difficult at the moment, for all of us. There are resources to help anyone who is struggling or is worried about someone they know. If you have any issues or concerns for someone you love or for yourself please jump on to some of these resources. They have tools to help change your own mindset or to help change someone else's. 

The ultimate resource for support, advice and action:

Tools and apps that can help:

So many ways to find help for how you are feeling:

Find out how to help a friend:

Crisis support and more:

It is a wonderful life but somedays it doesn't feel like that and sometimes we need to be reminded of that. Please have a look though these resources if you are feeling overwhelmed, alone or unsure ... there are people out there to help you right now.